Davida Small

Davida Small

Davida Small lives in Oakland, California and has written for the Oakland Tribune, the Sun Reporter/California Voice newspapers, and done research at The Center for Investigative Reporting’s bureau in Washington, DC. She has a B.A. in English literature from the University of California, Berkeley. Currently, she volunteers as an events organizer at Liberating Ourselves Locally (LOL), a people-of-color-led, gender-balanced maker space in East Oakland. She also likes to participate with Oakland’s LocalWiki group on collaborative knowledge-based projects.


Artwork of four Black people standing outside a storefront that reads 'Foremost Ice Cream. Frost City. Tasty Hamburgers. Hot Dogs.'

Feeling Some Kind of Way About Surveillance

Racial profiling fundamentally relies on surveillance, and in the case of African Americans, it’s been going on for hundreds of years; so far we have not been able to opt out of being constantly watched.

A photo of sketches on slightly crumpled notebook paper. At the bottom, it shows an image of an eye within a circle, on top of which is a crown. At the top, a circle with two lines at a crossroads within it is adorned with textured wings and a crown. Sketches on the other side of the paer are dimly visible through the page.

Mental Illness In The Workplace: Are You Being Served?

Support staff are often expected to respect the states of our more privileged and powerful co-workers, yet our own frailties, states of depression, or anxiety are seen as not deserving of care and accommodation.